Comments on: Aventon E-Bikes Review: Affordable, USA-Based E-Bike Brand All about electric bicycles Tue, 27 Dec 2022 13:19:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: George Celia Sat, 03 Sep 2022 01:02:25 +0000 bike sent with bad battery 2 weeks to get new one long wait to ride my new pace 500 Well worth the wait love the bike I commute to school 9 miles each way to help coach Volleyball I am 66 years old It is a blast to ride I use pedal assist 5 all of the time average 25 mph on my trip .soooooo happy. I ride on major roads with bike lanes so it is an easy commute. Customer service is good .Only thing to add is a shock on the front. Other than that awesome
